Wednesday 24 June 2015

Londyn mniej znany... I Postman's Park...

Malutki, zacieniony, w sam raz na cichy piknik po meczacym dniu w Museum of London i zwiedzaniu St.Paul's Cathedral. Daleko mu do ogromnych i znanych kuzynow - St.James's i Hyde. Ale ma swoj urok. I historie.
" Postman's Park is a park in central London, a short distance north of St Paul's Cathedral. Bordered by Little Britain, Aldersgate Street, St. Martin's Le Grand, King Edward Street, and the site of the former headquarters of the General Post Office (GPO), it is one of the largest parks in the City of London, the walled city which gives its name to modern London. Its name reflects its popularity amongst workers from the nearby GPO's headquarters.
In 1900, the park became the location for George Frederic Watts's Memorial to Heroic Self Sacrifice, a memorial to ordinary people who died while saving the lives of others and who might otherwise be forgotten, in the form of a loggia and long wall housing ceramic memorial tablets. Only four of the planned 120 memorial tablets were in place at the time of its opening, with a further nine tablets added during Watts's lifetime. Watts's wife, Mary Watts, took over the management of the project after Watts's death in 1904 and oversaw the installation of a further 35 memorial tablets in the following four years along with a small monument to Watts. Later she became disillusioned with the new tile manufacturer and, with her time and money increasingly occupied by the running of the Watts Gallery, she lost interest in the project, and only five further tablets were added during her lifetime. " (Wikipedia)
Opisany w ksiazce 'Her Fearful Symmetry' A.Niffenegger park, jest miejscem, jakie 'kazde wieksze miasto powinno miec' (cytuje za przewodnikiem, ktory prowadzil grupe zwiedzajacych, a ja podsluchiwalam z lekkiej odleglosci). A to dlatego, ze zawiera deklaracje bezinteresownego poswiecenia jego mieszkancow. Ceramiczne tablice (lista - Wikipedia) zawieraja imiona osob, ktore stracily zycie ratujac kogos innego. Znak czasow - czesto pojawiaja sie utoniecia i obrazenia w wyniku pozaru.
Jesli odwiedzacie Londyn, przejdzcie spacerkiem przez Millenium Bridge, obejdzcie St.Paul's i zajrzyjcie do malutkiego parku przy ulicy Little Britain w samym sercu City of London...   

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