Monday, 25 January 2010

Czy ktos jeszcze kocha J.Harris?

  Czy istnieje na tym swiecie ktos jeszcze, kto kocha Joanne Harris??? Do tego grona nie zalicza sie na pewno moja ciocia: ''Ale czy ten jej 'Harry Potter' jest na pewno taki dobry?'' Czyli ciocia, kim Harris jest, nie wie! 
A to takie apetyczne ksiazki! Wystarczy wspomniec 'Chocolat'! Albo 'Five quarters of the orange'. Czy nawet moja pierwsza przygode z J.H.: 'Blackberry wine'. 'The Lollipop Shoes' sa kontynuacja losow bohaterek 'Chocolat'.
Prosze bardzo, jak pieknie pani Harris opisuje miesiac Grudzien: 

''Outside, the wind is riding high. A killer wind, charged with snow. Sleepers in doorways will die tonight. Dogs will howl; doors slam. Young lovers will look into each other's eyes and for the first time will silently question their vows. Eternity is such a long time - and here, at the dead-end of the year, Death seems suddenly very close.'' Cale szczescie, ze do nastepnego Grudnia zostal jeszcze prawie caly rok... 

Ale, ale, przeciez to o jedzeniu mialo byc: ''Chocolate - I said - Theobroma cacao, the food of the gods. Make it with pure ground cocoa beans, chillies, cinnamon and just enough sugar to take away the bitterness. That's how the Mayans used to make it, over two thousand years ago. They used it in ceremonies to give themselvel courage. They gave it to their sacrificial victims just before they ropped out their hearts. And they used it in orgies that lasted for hours'. To by wyjasnialo czekolade jako afrodyzjak :) Jednak to cos w sam raz na Walentynki!
Poza tym fascynuje mnie, jak Harris opisuje rozne rodzaje czekoladek. Co widzi przecietna osoba przed oczyma duszy swojej przy slowie 'czekolada'? Ano tabliczke! Wedla moze, albo Milki. Tymczasem kazda jedna czekoladka, o innym ksztalcie i nadzieniu ma inna nazwe! I siegajaca, czesto bardzo daleko, historie!
 Duzo jest pieknie opisanych w 'Chocolat' wlasnie, ale poki co mam pod reka 'The Lollipop Shoes': ''Even child can make mendiants, and Anouk had often helped me in the days of Lansquenet, selecting the plumpest raisins, the sweetest cranberries and arranging them on the discs of melted chocolate, dark or light, in careful designs.''

I co sie okazuje? Ze 'mendiants' to powazna sprawa! Oto, co podaje Wikipedia:
''A mendiant is a traditional French confection composed of a chocolate disk studded with nuts and dried fruits representing the four mendicant or monastic orders of the Dominicans, Augustinians, Franciscans and Carmelites. Each of the nuts and dried fruits used refer to the color of monastic robes with tradition dictating raisins for the Dominicans, hazelnut for the Augustins, dried fig for Franciscans and almond for Carmelite. Usually found during Christmas, recipes for this confection have veered away from the traditional combination of nuts and fruits to other combinations incorporating seeds, fruit peels and other items.''

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