Thursday 12 February 2015

Czekoladowe Walentynki... I czekoladowe gofry!

Przepis z ksiazki 'The Little Book of Chocolat' J.Harris i F.Warde.
" The word 'waffle' derives from the Dutch, and dates back to the Middle Ages, while the waffle iron, also very old, seems to be a direct descendant of the irons designed to make Communion wafers. Waffles of all kinds have been a popular street food throughout continental Europe since the thirteenth century and are still sold, dusted with sugar or with whipped cream, from kiosks throughout France and Belgium. This recipe for chocolate waffles is great on its own with sifting of sugar; even better with a seductive marriage of mixed berries and whipped cream. (Fran doesn't add anything to the whipped cream, but for my version of crème Chantilly, try adding a teaspoonful of icing sugar and a splash of kirsch to the cream as you whip it. Trust me: it makes a difference.) "

(w teorii na 8 sztuk; ja zrobilam z podwojnej ilosci i wyszly jakies 3 miliony... Na szczescie mozna je spokojnie zamrazac i podgrzewac lekko w tosterze:) ) 
  • 300g maki z proszkiem do pieczenia (self-raising)
  • 1/2 lyzeczki proszku do pieczenia
  • 20g drobnego cukru
  • 400ml mleka
  • 90ml oleju
  • 2 jajka
  • 20g kakao
do podania, do wyboru, opcjonalnie
  1. W sporej misce wymieszaj na gladkie ciasto: make, proszek do pieczenia, cukier, mleko, olej, jajka i kakao. Zostaw na 10 minut.
  2. Przygotuj i rozgrzej gofrownice. Napelniaj wglebienia ciastem i piecz zgodnie z instrukcja producenta - zwykle okolice 2-3 minut.
  3. Podawaj najlepiej od razu, z bita smietana, owocami, lub tylko z cukrem pudrem.

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